I am Maurizio, a passionate Italian photographer.
I started my journey in photography when I was young, when I received as a gift a small plastic camera that was use 120mm films! At that time I was eight years old! 
Later i started "playing" with my father's cameras (Polaroid, Kodak, Minolta, Petri,...) until I was able (at the age of 16) to buy my first used reflex camera. It was an Olympus OM-10 with manual adapter and 50mm lens! Later the Om-10 was sold to buy an OM-2N, which is still with me!
I moved to "digital" in 1999 with my first Fuji compact camera with 1.4 mpixel. It was a new discover! My love for photography was enhanced from the possibility to fully control the entire work flow! Later I bought my first digital SLR a Sony A100, that now it is in the hands of my daughter. Sony is still the weapon of choice with the A850 and the A700. In 2005 with a friend I started and "home made" studio and start playing in the field of fashion and glamour photography. This experience is now becoming a photography society with the scope of promoting photography to young people.
I love any kind of photography, but I consider myself to be more devoted to human subjects, in particular I love classical portraits, fashion, glamour and nude.
I am always looking for comments, collaborations and any valuable inputs to improve skills and the quality of his work

For collaboration: Maurizio.Lenzi065@gmail.com
Thank you!
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